I have spent this morning having a look at some of the babies currently for sale on ebay.
And I came to one conclusion, that genuine, hard working artists are hard to find on there.
There are page after page, auction after action of dolls coming from Hong Kong.
Now I am sorry, but everything about these auctions, starting from the listing wording and pictures to the babies themselves, screams factory made.
Now yes reborn kits are not all handmade etc they have to be turned nto vinyl form, which has to be done via a machine.
But the painting is all one of a kind and unique to each baby.
From a real artist you can’t find two babies that are the same.
There will always be subtle differences.
So why are we allowing this?
Are we just after cheap babies now?
Is that what the market has come to now.
Where the quality of the doll is now not as important as the price.
Let’s give the proper artists back the respect they deserve.