Sometimes within my time in this comminity I have been in the situation where I could gift one of my reborns to someone.
This is something that I would enjoy doing.
But I found more of more often that I would get people being mean to each other or to me about doing it.
People saying that it was unfair that the baby wasn’t given to them or trying to say that they had followed me and been more active than the person who I gifted the doll to.
What happened to good sportsmanship?
Can’t people just be happy for each other?
Due to all this I had stopped pretty much gifting anything to anyone.
I felt it was a shame as I did used to enjoy bringing at least a small amount of joy into someone elses life.
It was also a way for me to show some appreciation for something that someone else may have done for me.
Who knows maybe one day I will get into it again.
But for now I can not say when that may be.