We all have the time when we feel the need to get a new reborn doll.
I am sure many of us have an artist that we tend to go to and may even own several babies from that person.
Do you prefer to have complete say on how your baby looks, or are you happy to buy a premade baby.
Some top artists do not do customs, so what you see is what you get.
If I am honest I really do not think I have a preference.
I like to have a say in how the baby will look sometimes, but there are other times when I really love the version of a kit that an is created and I would not change anything about it.
Artists by their nature, have a real eye to capture the beauty in things and the reborn dolls are no exception to this.
The realisim that they are able to add to their dolls can be truly unbelievable.
So although I do like to have an input at times, there are so many other times when it just isnt needed.
So what about you, is it custom or pre-made for you?
Com on Saturday.