This super sweet reborn prototype baby is currently for sale on ebay.
reborn doll ,baby girl, Prototype, Realborn(R), Johannah Asleep
“La nurserie de Marie” LNDM Artist : Marie Gambus
La Nurserie de Marie is pleased to introduce you :
“Johannah Asleep”
Prototype 1/4
Authentique Realborn® Johannah Asleep
Thanks to Jessica from Bountiful Baby for giving me the opportunity to reborn this
amazing prototype !!!
A Realborn® is a Real Baby Replica, created directly from computer photometricscansof a precious real newborn baby.
The beauty, innocence and soul of the newborn child is capturedlikenever before in these stunning, heaven sent creations– the most beautiful and perfect canvas everofferedto the reborn world!
Virtually every sweet baby fold, wrinkle and crease of the head, ears, eyes, nose, fingers, feet, and toesarecaptured with this technology.
Then small details are carefully checked to assure the detail willtransferover beautifully into the vinyl.
Then a 3D prototype print is created using one of the highestresolution 3Dprinters on the market today.
From the 3d prototype print, the molds for the most perfectreborn artists’canvas (the Realborn® vinyl doll parts) are created.
Weight : 4,4 lb / 2k030g
Length : 19 in / 48 cm (Bent legs)
Johannah has full vinyl arms and legs , a soft body and a vinyl tummy from Bountiful baby shop.
Johannah has a magnetized pacifier
Johannah has beautiful rooted hair with beautiful super fine mohair !!!
I always use the best Hair I can find for my babies !!
This is micro rooting, a long process, but the result looks very naturel !
I have sealed his head with waterproof glue so that they can be carfully washed.
My name is Marie Gambus – Metayer and I am living in France.
My Nursery name is ” La Nurserie de Marie ”
Click here to visit my nursery :
You could register on the top of my blog if you want to receive an email
with photo every new baby I’ll create !
All my photos have been taken in natural daylight at different times of the day.
I use genesis heat set paints in many thin layers to achieve beautiful baby complexion to my babies.
This paint will never come of or fade.
I have been creating lifelike babies and draw on my skins as a painter to create beautiful realistic skin tones, veins, capillaries, hand painted eyebrows, shading and highlights.
Paints are permanent and will not rub off or fade over the time. I also used matte varnish to protect the vinyl.
No expense was spared in the creation of this precious baby, I use only the highest quality materials and artist medium to bring as much realism into each of my original creations.
Very fine delailing on all limbs, hands and feet.
I use only the highest quality materials for my babies : fine glass bead, micro glass bead, fiber fill.
Johannah will be send with all her beautiful clothes on photos and
her magnetized pacifier .
You also will receive a hand signed and numbered Birth certificate.
This document certifies that your doll is an authentic Realborn baby.
She wears newborn or 1 month clothes
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