A change had certainly happened within the reborn community.
Most of the time I try to ignore it, but there are times when I can’t.
This is one of those times when I just had to say something.
I have noticed that alot of people seem to be self entitled.
They, for some reason believe that they have a right to things within the community for free.
That they should be considered above and beyond everything else.
As many of us know, this is just not the case.
There are those out there that are just hanging around to see what they can get more than anything else.
Since when did the turn start from a caring, having each others back community to a don’t care about anyone but there self and give me community.
It’s a really sad shift that has happened as it ha taken something away which was once so special within the reborn community.
It does not always feel like an inclusive place to be now.
So lets try ad take this back to what it once was, and not just look out for what you can get.
Lets spend less time tearing each other down, and instead focus on building each other up.