So I have previously discussed us collectors having the possiblity of a preference towards one gender or another, but it got me thinking.
Do reborn artists also favour one gender?
Some artists do tend to make more girls than boys, is this based on the fact that more girl babies sell, or is it just because that is what thsy see the kit as?
Would you then chance the gender of the baby is you got it home and saw it different from the artist.
Do you think that artists go more with the trend of what their customers tend to buy, which would of course make perfect sense.
More do they follow their instincts about a baby they are creating.
I think in a lot of ways artists have a really hard task, after all they are creative people by nature, but they also have to make money selling their babies.
It must really be a hard task at times to try and find that balance between how they want to create the baby and what may then sell.