The Kansas Doll Show 2019 wouldn’t be the same without a few people, Janan Kuhn Duncan is definitely one of those people.
With a huge array of items for sale you are sure to find something you love.
Janan is so talented and creative with what she produces.
Next years show will not be her first, with Kansas 2018 being such a wonderful experience for her, yet she treats each show with the same emphusiasim.
It is truly great to see someone who is genuinly still in this hobby for the love of it.
I have to be honest and say that I love her babies.
Her gorgeous Indie that she took last year is one of my all time favourites.
I can not wait to see what she brings next year to sell.
No doubt each will be as amazing as the next.
As well as the skill with the babies she makes, there is also just how wonderful her displays are.
She always goes that little bit extra to create a dream like place.
So if you haven’t seen her work before, make sure you find time to stop by her booth and say hi.
You will find her at booth 3.
A must visit for everyone.