We all know that as a normal rule we say that reborn babies are not for children.
Is this really true or are there times when children enhance the community..
I think that we have to take each person as an individual and not as a group.
I have five children and I know that some of them I trust to respect and care for the babies.
The others can only really be around the babies under my supervision.
But there are some children out there that adore reborns.
That have even started painting them.
I think this is something we should encourage.
Yes reborns are exspenive, but it gives the children that love them a way go express themselves.
They also learn alot about caring and responsibility.
So yes on the whole children should not just be let loose with reborns.
But do you know what, you know your kids better than anyone else.
So the desicion is yours and only yours.
No one should make you feel like you are doing something wrong.