Does bigger really mean better? Will Rose 2019 be the best show of the year just because it will be the largest? Can a show be too big?
I am sure there are going to be people to think that I do not like the Rose doll show or think I am trying to run them down.
In truth it is in fact quite the opposite.
I think the Rose doll show is a fantastic event.
I love how excited everyone gets about it.
It is by far one of the most highly anticipated events of the reborn year.
One of the things that always appealed to me was the way every body who attended commented on the feeling of it being a family.
This is something that as a community we hold dear.
So knowing that the Rose has had to expand to allow more people I just hope that it does not in any way affect our little family.
I hold on to the belief that the more the merrier, as long as it stays a family and does not begin to become more corporate.
We are a reborn family and that is what we must protect because that is what was so great about our community at one time.
So by all means I would love to see the Rose expand.
Lets just hold on to what makes it the great show it is at the same time.
I completely agree with your article. I am very excited for next years show to see the difference in the size. I really hope the atmosphere stays the same.