One of the worst things about this hobby is when we have to say goodbye to one of our reborn babies.
It is never an easy thing to do.
Especially when you are having to sell one that you do not really want to.
You may have built up a bond with that baby which makes selling them and boxing them up very difficult.
It is not uncommon to have a connection with your baby.
So if this sounds like you then do not worry you are seriously not alone.
I have had to sell several babies over the last few months.
Mainly due to reasons outside my control.
So as a responsible mum you do what you have to do right.
Doesn’t mean that you have to like it.
Not even a little bit.
In fact for one of my babies I was unable to do the packing away.
I actually got one of my children to do it so that I would not be there when it was done.
Sounds crazy right.
But unless you feel that bond it is hard to understand.