I know it has been awhile since I added anything to my reborn blog, so I thought I would share today with you.
Today the weather has changed and it is now alot colder.
It is time to reach for the long sleeved tops again for the babies and their thicker blankets.
I also find as well that although I personally hate the cold weather, it can actually be even nicer to cuddle up with a baby under blankets.
Summer has been waiting for the snow to come which I really do not get, I think it has something to do with Christmas.
Once it begins to snow here it is almost when she begins her countdown.
It is not unknown for me to put up the Christmas decorations in November to please her.
But I do love this as I think she is really funny with it.
It is strange and also a little scarey to think about Christmas in August but with a big family it is never too early.
I spent the day with Summer redoing her outfit, hair and bed.
She loves to have it all looking pretty.
What she wants is some kind of lights around her bed, so I will have to see if I can make that happen for her.
The other babies are all snug in there sleeping areas, apart from Richell who is too busy watching everything that is going on with great interest.
I think it is also time to put Richell in something warmer as well.
It”s funny how fast the weather can change here.