Our Life With Reborns

Reborns are pieces of art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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Keepsake Cuties Nursery

2023 Doll Calendar

Preorders for the new and much improved 2023 Doll Calendar will be opening this July.


With each Calendar purchase you also get a raffle ticket to win a free silicone head cuddle baby.


Preorder yours as soon as it opens.


International Doll Festival 2022 Budapest

Reborn Artists Are People Too!!

Now I know I have said this before, but the reborn artists in our community really are not valued enough.

Reborn artists

They work stupidly long days, doing work that can become very repetitive and tiresome.

Working on details that are soo small that it could put a strain on their eyes.

Being sat in one place for hours can also affect their back and cause them headaches.

Reborn artists

So you may question why they bother to do it at all.

Do you want to know why?

Do you know that moment when you get your parcel home and open the box to see your baby for the first time?

Thats why they do it.

Do you know those days when you are feeling low and need a little comfort so you reach for your baby for a cuddle?

Thats why they do it.

There are so many other reasons why they do it, but I say just be thankful that they do do it.

Reborn artists

The hours put into making each of your babies can never be given back.

Those are hours out of the reborn artists life that they are dedicating to you.

So I think it is only fair to give the artists respect.

Treat them like a human not a factory.

They can not always respond to you at your beck and call.

Reborn artists

Most have other jobs and a family.

But know your baby is important to them and will get given the love and care that it deserves until completed and on it’s way home to you.

These artists paint and root into the early hours of the morning, putting in 6 or more hours per day.

So I personally want to say a huge thank you to all the reborn artists out there.

Reborn artists

You are amazing and I am grateful to you for your time.

Thank you.



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