This years Rose Doll show is now fully under way and yet again it is another year where I am not able to attend.
So I have been thinking that I do not want to have to say the same thing again next year.
As a result of this I am looking at starting planning now, but I wonder if this is really too soon.
I was thinking that if I book things in advance and begin to have things paid off at the earliest possible time that maybe I will be able to pull it off.
So if I want to avoid disappoint next year, when do you think I should start planning and booking?
I would have to fly from either Stockholm or London, so I would need to decide that first.
I think I would want to stay in the Hilton for my week there.
Plan would be to fly in on the 10th and out on the 17th.
That is of course if the dates are the same next year.
If not then you get what I mean anyway.
As I do not drive I would also need to arrange transfers for myself.
On top of all that you have the event itself.
I would for sure want to be there for every event that is planned to really fully experience the event.
That way gives me time to meet up with people and just relax for a couple of days after the event as well.
Due to the distance travelled I will ne making the most of it.
I would also be bringing my youngest daughter with me to the Rose Doll show as I know she will love it.
So what do you think?
Is it too early to start preparing for next year now?