The Kansas Doll show 2018 is fast approaching.
Plans are made and excitement is building, but what do I think about the chosen theme?
The theme is of course the Wizard of Oz.
The event is held in Kansas and being the first ever one what else could it really be.
I love this theme.
I think that it is the perfect theme for the event.
I am looking forward to seeing how the venue is decorated to represent this theme.
The place is going to look amazing.
So for all you wannabe Dorothys’ , Tinmen, Lions or Scarecrows, this event is the place for you to go.
It is simply magical and the atmosphere is sure to show that.
All the excitement of a first time event mixed with the enjoyment of making new friends and finding your dream baby all in one place.
After attending this years show you will undoubtedly want to return next year.
Good news is that it is going to be an annual event for how ever long you guys want it to run.
So it could go on forever.
It is really up to you.