Rose Doll Show newbie Emma Lee is so excited to be attending this year and who can blame her.
Although this may be Emmas first time at Rose, it does not mean she is new to the reborn community, far from it.
In fact Emma was part of the community even before vinyl kits were made.
“I’ve loved reborns for about 12 years now. My first reborns were actually “reborn”- before vinyl kits were popular, people would repaint berenguer dolls or other realistic looking baby dolls.”
Her love of dolls has never gone away and today she loves to look at them just as much as ever.
“I’ve always loved dolls, and I found reborns while browsing eBay for realistic dolls long ago. Ever since I’ve loved looking at them.”
Emma has several favourite artists and is lucky enough to actually own a baby from one of them.
“I have many! An Huang, Romie Strydom, and Cathy King to name a few( I own one of Cathy’s babies). I also love Jacqueline Kramer and Silvia Ezquerra.”
Even though she has been into reborns for 12 years, she has not amast a large collection as you may think.
Instead she settles for a smaller select few
“Currently, there are 4 reborns in my collection. My favorite is Scarlett by Bonnie brown reborned by Cathy King.”
When asked what she was most looking forward to about the Rose Doll Show you could really sense her enthusiasm.
“Everything! It is my first time to go to ROSE and I can’t wait to meet the artists and see everything! I definitely want to meet lots of new people. I’m excited for the show floor most, followed by the baby shower.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing all of the babies up for adoption! I also can’t wait to see everyone else’s babies and the babies being shown.”
And it’s not like Emma just pops round the corner to attend.
Oh no, in fact she will be travelling 1,300 miles by car/plane.
Emma does not plan to leave the show empty handed.
She has plans to become the proud mummy of a show baby.
“Absolutely! I can’t wait to see what each artist has to offer!”
My favorite reborn by Cathy King