I am so super excited, I can now announce that I am reborn expecting and the artist is someone we all know and love Stephanie Ortiz from Nlovewithreborns2011..
I have been a fan of Stephanie’s work for some time now,
When I found out that it was possible for me to purchase one I was overjoyed.
This version of the Saskia kit is the one that made me fall in love with this particular sculpt.
As this is going to be a truly special baby, I decided to do something a little bit different with this baby.
At the moment the only thing I know about this baby is that it is a girl.
It has been a secret what kit it is, what colour hair she has.
I do not even know if she is an open or closed eyed baby and I am so excited.
I feel as nervous as any expectant mother who does not know what their baby is going to look like.
Throughout this whole experience Stephanie has been amazing. She has been communicative and considerate.
Most people might think it is a little strange that I didn’t want to have an input to how my baby looks.
After all I am paying for the baby right?
Well yes that is right I am.
But I guess at the end of the day it is down to trust.
I trust Stephanie 100%, I am not worried at all as to how my baby will look.
She has not yet created a baby that I have not loved.
Add to that that her choice of clothing for the baby is always super cute.
Also I am a believer that an artist needs to be free to be able to create their art as they see it in their minds eye.
Each artist will have their own idea of how something should look.
So from my personal opinion giving her the freedom to do as she sees fit means there is no way I will be disappointed.
To see what my baby looks like then head over to my YouTube channels, links are below,
Also join our Facebook Group,
Our Life With Reborns Facebook Group.
If you haven’t already subscribed to Nlovewithreborns2011 on YouTube I would advise you to quickly go over and do so.
Now I can’t wait. It doesn’t even seem that she did a box packing video on this baby, so it will be a surprise.