So it has been a couple of days since my last blog.
I had a slow day yesterday and didn’t really do too much.
It was what I would call a lazy day.
The babies helped sort out some of their nursery.
Today has been a little more exciting as it has been raining with thunder and lightening all day.
The skies have been dark, so the whole house has been fairly quiet.
Some of the babies really do not like athe thunder. Like Summer, Kia, Zoe and Eliza.
They seem to be the most scared and either cry or hide when the “big boom” as Summer calls it happens.
So a lot of today has been spent calming them down and singing or reading to them.
I try to distract them by playing with toys.
The nursery is quite a busy place most of the time.
But with so many babies it is hardly surprising.
It seems to be a never ending circle of feeding, nappies, changes and rocking.
But I have to admit that I love it.
Tonight I am hoping that the babies will all settle nicely if not I may end up with some babies in my bed again.
That just means lots of cuddles.
To see more of what happens in our nursery, please use the link below to see more blogs.