I currently have four reborn babies for sale.
I will list all four here and if you are interested in any please do not hesitate to contact me.
I am unfortunately having to sell a few of my babies.
Here is the first one.
She is a baby made from the sleeping Andi kit.
She has beautifully painted hair.
Has has a soft doe body and is very cuddly.
She also has 3/4 limbs.
Her paint work is actually really good but I am unsure who the artist is as I brought her from her previous mummy.
She has been well looked after and is like new.
She will go home to her new mummy complete with a blanket, dummy/ paci, two nappies/diapers, a sleeper and an outfit. If required I can also include a bottle.
I am asking £300 for her with shipping at £10.
In USD that would be $350 plus shipping of $15.
But the price is possiibly negotiable.
She is currently in Sweden with me so the shipping cost would un fact be more than that but i am trying to ask for just a minimum token fee for shipping.
Please feel free to ask questions and contact me.
I am selling my full body vinyl baby girl.
We called her Kia.
She is the Victoria sculpt and was reborned by Lily Pie Nursery.
She is a very pretty baby and has been used mainly for display.
She will come home with two outfits, blanket, paci/dummy, two nappies/ diapers and i can include a bottle if needed.
She is selling for £375 or $425. Again the price is possibly negotiable.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
I also have for sale an Ashia baby.
She is a bald baby.
We havent had her for very long and she spends most of her time on display.
She will come home to her new mummy with two outfits, a dummy/paci, two diapers/ nappies, a blanket and a bottle if you require one.
I am hoping to get around £200 for her which is about $260.
The price is negotiable.
I would really like to see her go to a new mummy soon as she needs to have many cuddles and it is just a shame that I haven’t felt a real bond with her.
Lastly for now I am selling my Tiffany sculpt.
She will come home with two outfits, dummy/paci, blanket, two nappies /diapers and if needed a bottle.
I am hoping to get £240 for her or $310.
The price could be negotiable.
Any queries please leave a comment below.
i would like to be entered for the reborn pick winners
I’m interested in the last baby you video taped. The baby girl with blonde hair. If she is still up for adoption I would love to be her new mommy. Please get back to me the price is 300. Is that include shipping and handling?
yes for the next two days she is at £300 including postage.
She is getting quite a bit of interest, if you are serious please get back to me as I only have one available, and once she is sold then i do not have another I am afraid.
Thanks for your interest.
Sorry I mean $310