When you welcome a new baby into your home, you want to care for and look after it.
A Reborn is not a toy and should be treated with care. They are collectors items and as such should be handled delicately. The Reborns head must be supported as you would for a real baby.
You should never handle your baby by its limbs.
If your baby has rooted hair you are able o gently comb and style it as it will be sealed from the inside.
I is best to use a soft baby brush for brushing hair. if you need you can spray with water or a gentle leave in conditioner before you style it.
Do not pull out tangles as this can pull out your babies hair.
In general it is best to avoid touching your babies eyelashes as they are extremely delicate.
It is recommended to keep your baby out of the heat and the cold. Extreme heat could damage the vinyl and destroy your reborn. Also you should keep your baby in dry conditions.
You may however use a damp cloth to dust your baby should you need to.
When changing your babies clothing take care not to pull at the limbs as this could tear the seams. You can gently turn your babies head but do not use force.
If your baby has a magnet please remember that these are strong magnets. Do not use them near any electronic or computer equipment and they should never be near someone with a pacemaker.
I just got my first two reborns in January and February and I’m still worried about cleaning them . I hear conflicting advice and I’m not sure what to do , lol .
Some say a damp cloth is okay
….others a dry paintbrush only!
The mohair is just kind of a scary subject all together.
I love my dolls and would love to dress and ” play” with them but to be honest I’m scared I’ll mess them up or damage them if I touch them too much. I decided on sight if I got these baby dolls they would be my “forever” dolls because they are gorgeous… I just wish I wasn’t scared to play with them ?
I just got my first two reborns in January and February and I’m still worried about cleaning them . I hear conflicting advice and I’m not sure what to do , lol .
Some say a damp cloth is okay
….others a dry paintbrush only!
The mohair is just kind of a scary subject all together….
Thank you both …..?