We found Reborns four years ago while searching Youtube.
My daughter was searching for a life like doll that would look and feel real. As you can imagine she was directed to many different videos which showed her a variety of kits and roleplaying.
This had my daughter asking many questions and slowly I started to research it myself.
Now in the beginning i was unsure if it was something that i was keen on, but the more i saw the babies the more I found them cute.
So we began searching for an artist. We were drawn to Still Moments nursery and after some thinking we ordered our first custom baby.
As this baby was going to take some time to get to us we decided to find an artist that was in our country.
We found a company called Ashton Drake and we ordered our first baby. Now not technically a reborn it was a good first step into the reborn world and after she arrived my daughter fell in love with her. She was the Olivia baby.
From here our collection grew.
We added a few more Aston Drakes, as they were the cheaper and did the job to begin with.
We brought both the Maddison baby
For something a little different we also got a monkey baby.
But as much as we liked these babies, they were not really what i was looking for.
So we searched for a reborn artist in our country that could allow us to custom our own baby.
Three months later we welcomed Amelia into our home.
We were ao happy with her that we went on to order a boy reborn baby called Tyler from the same artist.
So at this point we had five babies and we were happy with that. We loved the babies and spent ages shopping for them and just roleplaying in general.
But after googling lots of different babies we saw that you can get a baby that is a full body. so we started asking the artist we currently had if she did in fact make full bodies and we were happy to find that she did.
So after another four month wait, baby Kia arrived.